The play Macbeth has a key tragic incident that invloved killing King Duncan. Many people have their own views on who's falut it was. I believed that it was truly the three witches that caused Macbeth to kill the king.
Maceth was praised by many people for his bravey and loyalty to the king. Macbeth never had the intention of murduring anyone for his sake. His mind was not clouded with evil thoughts until he met the three witches.
When Macbeth had met the three withces, his mind and actions had changed. His formal self was banished and evil had ran through him. The prohpecy he heard from the witches made him kill Duncan. Lady Macbeth was just a second voice that convinced him to kill.
Before Macbeth had encountered the witches, he trusted everyone and specially his best friend Banquo. They were both true friends until the prophcies were told. Later on Macbeth was worried about Banquo's prophecy and eventually killed him.
Many people look at it that it was Macbeth's fault, but it was truly the witches. If Macbeth had not heard of theses prophecies, the tragic incidents would have never occured.
In conclusion, the three witches played a key factor of Macbeth's killing spree. Macbeth was a good and loyal person before hearing the three prophecies about him becoming king. People do anyting to get what they want!